Saturday, February 9, 2013

Asking Legal Advice from Kogarah DUI lawyers

Most common death in a drink driving crash is the driver; many victims are innocent pedestrians, occupants of the other vehicles and other road users who happened to be in the path of drink driver. In Australia the general driving and riding population has a legally allowed blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit of 0.05, which has been in force for over 30 years. But technology attitudes and knowledge improved, so it’s time to consider the BAC limit. Australia led the world in drink driving regulation and enforcement. Experienced Kogarah DUI lawyers in the local area of New South Wales will guide you for all legal advice in case if you are dealing with DUI incident.

We know that alcohol affects behavior and cognitive functioning even at the low concentrations. Alcohol reduces inhibition and increases confidence and risk taking. Drinkers should plan alternatives to driving before they start drinking. As much as you do avoid drinking if you are driving, it is better to be safe than sorry. Drivers should be responsible in their driving performance to avoid future accidents that would lead to death of innocent people. If you had a friend or family members who undergo with DUI cases in the area of Kogarah, New South Wales Australia they can ask legal advice from Kogarah DUI lawyer who are well experience in their field of expertise and have a good track record.

Sydney Drink Driving & DUI Lawyers | Beazley Singleton Solicitors
14/370 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 9283 8622

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Going through the process of having Kogarah DUI lawyers

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 13,000 thousand people were killed and numerous thousands of others injured each year in automobile accidents involving alcohol. Out of all traffic fatalities, some 30 percent involved a driver with blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.8 or higher, standard for defining driving under the influence of alcohol. The rate of alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes is four times higher at night than during the day.

With this information if a driver is charge with DUI within the vicinity of New South Wales especially in Kogarah they must need to ask assistance from
 experienced Kogarah DUI lawyers. Their job is to inform us with the law, gather data and evidence of our case, gives us advice on what to do to help minimize the penalties and they act us representative during court hearings. As DUI lawyers they help to make the case better and keeping their clients from stressful process. Law firm like Kogarah DUI lawyers has the characteristics of being the most experience DUI lawyers, know very well in their field of expertise, and a good track record. With this 3 basic character of a DUI lawyers you will surely be in good hands and feel better about this. A good and quality service of a DUI lawyers make his or her clients happy and be proud of.

Sydney Drink Driving & DUI Lawyers | Beazley Singleton Solicitors
14/370 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 9283 8622